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Thread: CF Issues 23/8/08

  1. #31

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    I have OCZ reaper now the Ultra low latency Geil I used to have is what you have I think and to run at 4 4 4 12 it needs 2.1 volt min

  2. #32

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris T View Post
    Evening all. Everyone handling the cold turkey ok?
    I only just got back from some enforced cold turky lol so i'm ok at the moment

  3. #33

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris T View Post
    It's so bad that we don't know how bad it is.

    These things only ever happen while Paul is away. :disturbd:
    Who let him go away?

  4. #34

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by David F View Post
    I have OCZ reaper now
    I looked at those, but was concerned that the heatsink might clash with some CPU coolers. Ok, so I'm still using the stock cooler, but I'll be putting a Freezer 64 on when I put the new board in, even if it fitted with that I might want a different cooler at some point in the future with that board [especially if I ever manage to get the cash for whatever the top Phenom is at the time - I know it's the 9950 now, but I don't know when I'll have the money].

    Quote Originally Posted by David F View Post
    the Ultra low latency Geil I used to have is what you have I think and to run at 4 4 4 12 it needs 2.1 volt min
    Yeah, it's 1 thing to play around with voltages when I can actually see what the voltages are, but when restricted to the choices of "auto, high, & ultra", as with current board, & no way to see what the actual voltage is, I didn't want to risk frying the RAM.

  5. #35

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by joglynne View Post
    Thanks to the 2 of you who have tried to restore my good name, but, I still have -14 points.

    At least that's an improvement on my original -35. Just goes to show how difficult it is to live down a bad reputation.

    Just a reminder that discussion of reputation issues is.....oh what the heck, have a green from me as well

  6. #36

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by greencreeper View Post
    Who let him go away?
    Sadly the CF budget doesn't let us by decent quality chains and rope for the Admin dungeon and he managed to slip out when our backs were turned.

  7. #37
    Cable Forum Team
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Here @ nthw

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    It's always the same - Paul goes away - the server knows and falls over. I don't have all the access to all the gizmo's like Paul/Frank has so there is very little I can do this end. I have left a message for Frank, but if he isn't around either then its looking like Monday folks ...

  8. #38

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by Mick View Post
    It's always the same - Paul goes away - the server knows and falls over. I don't have all the access to all the gizmo's like Paul/Frank has so there is very little I can do this end. I have left a message for Frank, but if he isn't around either then its looking like Monday folks ...

    What am I going to do without my fix of cf?
    Looks like i will now have to spend time with the family *hmmmmph*

  9. #39

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by greencreeper View Post
    Crumbs. The end if nigh. How bad is it? Do we know?
    Dunno how bad it is, the damage reporting machine is damaged!

  10. #40

    Join Date
    May 2005

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Really missing the main forum ..

    I was looking forward to boring everyone with how pleased I am with my new 22" monitor & how I had to update the bios on Mrs Gaz's pc in order to get the integrated graphics to display the 1400x900 res on my old 19" which she has inherited.

    OOPs, looks like I did that, anyway, sorry

  11. #41

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    well done gaz lol

  12. #42

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    No No No

    This means i have to talk to her in doors

  13. #43

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by bill c View Post
    No No No

    This means i have to talk to her in doors
    You could always stay here and talk to us refugees.

  14. #44

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    Quote Originally Posted by joglynne View Post
    you could always stay here and talk to us refugees. :d
    Then i am saved

  15. #45

    Re: CF Issues 23/8/08

    And no linky to Cable forum mini city either

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